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Kimberley McCausland

Kimberley McCausland

Interim Vice-Provost, University Planning

The Vice-Provost, University Planning oversees the University Planning Office (UPO), which provides planning and analysis functions for the university.

About Kimberely McCausland 

On September 1, 2023, Kimberley McCausland was appointed as the interim vice-provost, university planning. With more than 23 years of experience in post-secondary institutional planning, Kimberley brings an incredible breadth of knowledge and expertise to the position.

Most recently, Kimberley served as interim executive director of the University Planning Office (UPO) at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). In that role, she led and supported work on the university’s annual budget development and implementation, as well as enrolment analysis, performance measurement and data analysis, academic costing initiatives, student surveys and a range of internal and external reporting activities.

As a passionate proponent of data and analysis, Kimberley sits on the Board of Directors for the Canadian University Survey Consortium, a group of Canadian universities that conduct surveys to gain a better understanding of undergraduate students. In her time with the consortium, Kimberley has chaired various working groups. She has also served as co-chair of the Professional Development Committee of the Council on University Planning and Analysis, a Council of Ontario Universities’ committee that provides leadership on matters related to universities’ planning and analysis functions.

Prior to joining TMU, Kimberley gained experience in the K-12 education sector. She holds a master of arts in sociology from Western University with a specialization in program and policy evaluation.


University Planning Office (0 results)

About The University Planning Office (UPO)

Internally: The UPO provides strategic analysis for academic administration on topics such as enrollment and academic and resource planning for curricular and enrollment change. It also conducts research and quantitative analysis on a variety of issues with the Educational Research Unit.

Externally: The UPO provides an active liaison with government and university organizations, developing analyses and position papers in support of universities' efforts.