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University Administrative Policies Framework

Approved in October 2017, the Administrative Policies Framework (the "Framework") describes how to review and approve university administrative policies and it establishes a policy management program. The Framework is comprised of four elements: the Policy, the Procedure, Appendix A: the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lens, and an Infographic depicting the review and approval process. The Framework reflects the University's mission, vision, and values as outlined in the  (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan University Act and the Academic Plan

Please note that the Framework applies only to University Adminstrative Policies. It does not apply to Senate Policies or departmental policies.

Review and Approval Process for Administrative Policies

The framework establishes the procedure by which policies are reviewed, updated, approved, consolidated and retired.



Unit Responsible:  The unit(s) or department(s) with operational responsibility for administering the policy.  Typically a role or unit within an Executive Group member’s portfolio.

Policy Owner:  The Executive Group Member(s) to whom the Unit(s) Responsible report.  Has responsibility for interpreting the policy, accountability for the policy review and approval process. 

General Counsel and Board Secretariat (GCBS):

  • Policy Management: Management and administration of the administrative policies program and website, including advice on policy creation, review, consolidation, approval and retirement
  • Board Secretariat:  provides governance support for materials requiring Board approval 
  • Legal:  provides legal advice relating to policy content during the policy development and review process.

Approver: approves policies. For administrative policies the Approver is by default the President, except for limited and specific circumstances as outlined in the Administrative Policies Framework Procedure, Steps 5.11 and 5.12, where the Approver is the Board. 



a.    The Unit Responsible determines whether they are proposing a new policy, or a review of an existing policy with minor or substantive revisions, or a consolidation of policies, or policy retirement.

b.    The Unit Responsible initiates the policy review,  approval or retirement process by submitting  (google form) a policy review and development initiation form (external link)  to GCBS.

c.    Upon receipt of the form GCBS reaches out to the Unit Responsible to discuss next steps and may share the (google doc)  policy template (external link) .

a.    GCBS supports the Unit Responsible through the drafting, research and legal review.

b.    GCBS confirms with the Unit Responsible on the approval pathway. GCBS confirms whether the proposed changes to a policy are minor or substantive in nature.

c.    The Leader of the Unit Responsible reviews the draft.

d.    The Unit Response coordinates a review with the Policy Owner reviews the draft.

a.    The Unit Responsible determines appropriate constituent groups to participate in consultations, then coordinates those consultations. By default, it is expected that all new policies and all policies with substantive changes, or consolidation of policies, undergo broad consultation and legal review. This does not apply to policies with minor revisions or those being retired. The Unit Responsible informs the Policy Owner of the consultation plan. 

b.    The Unit Responsible seeks legal review through emailing and copies

c.    The Unit Responsible and the Policy Owner bring the new or reviewed policy to EG for feedback.

a.    For approvals of retired policies, the Unit Responsible and the Policy Owner send their approval to indicating intention to retire the policy with a brief explanation as to why the policy should be retired.

i.    If the President is the approver of this policy then GCBS may remove the policy from the website upon receipt of the email. 

ii.    If the Board is the approver of this policy, then the Policy Owner works with the Board Secretariat (, copying, to notify the Board of this change and determine next steps. 

b.    For approvals of policies that have undergone minor revisions, the Unit Responsible and the Policy Owner confirm their approval of the revisions to

c.    For approvals of new policies, or for approvals of policies that have undergone substantive revisions or for consolidated policies:

i.    If the President is the approver, then the Unit Responsible and GCBS prepares an approval memo for the President’s consideration. Upon approval, the President notifies GCBS.

ii.    If the Board is the approver, the Policy Owner, copying, works with the Board Secretariat ( to put the new policy on the Board workplan. Once the policy is approved by the Board, the Board Secretariat shares the resolution with

a.    The Unit Responsible determines the communications requirements and drafts appropriate communications materials to align with the timing of the posting of the policy to the Administrative Policies website. 

i.    Note: it is advisable that Units Responsible and Policy Owners begin the planning for communication requirements early on in the policy review and development process.  

b.    In coordination with the Unit Responsible and the Policy Owner, GCBS posts the new or revised policy to the Administrative Policies website upon confirmation of appropriate approvals. GCBS may remove a policy from the Administrative Policies website upon confirmation of appropriate approvals that the policy is retired.