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Scholarships and Awards for Students with Disabilities

AwardSpring has a comprehensive database featuring over 1400 awards, scholarships, and bursaries, with nearly 250 awards specifically tailored for students with disabilities. To be matched with awards suitable for your needs, you are required to submit a general application. Although AwardSpring strives to match you with appropriate awards, there may be additional opportunities for which you are eligible.

How to access AwardSpring

  1. Visit (external link) 
  2. Sign in with your TMU username and password.
  3. Once logged in, navigate to the menu and go to “Application” on the left side. 
  4. There will be a list of sections including privacy information, general information, academic information, financial information, qualifications questions, attestation, and disclaimer. Complete each section in order to create your application. This is a general application that will match you with awards for which you are eligible. 
  5. Once submitted the award site will update your dashboard with award opportunities based on the information you have provided.

External scholarships

What are external scholarships?

External scholarships are financial awards offered by organizations outside of Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). These awards are based on various criteria such as academic achievement, extracurricular activities, marginalized identities or specific talents. Finding opportunities requires doing your own research, checking in with Student Financial Assistance and asking questions directly to the organization offering the funding opportunity. 


The following scholarships are specifically designed for students with disabilities each accompanied by a brief description, eligibility, amount, and link to the organizations site for more information. Please keep in mind that some of the deadlines listed on the external websites are subject to change and it is advisable to contact the organization directly for accurate and updated information. Many scholarships may require detailed information, reference letters, transcripts, essays, forms, and more so it's best to start the application process well in advance.

List of external scholarships and awards

Last updated May 2024.

Award Description Amount
AbbVie Scholarship Open to students with a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, pursuing a diploma, associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree. $5,000
AER William and Dorothy Ferrell Scholarship (external link)  The William and Dorothy Ferrell Scholarship is awarded every other year in even years to two selected applicants who are legally blind and are studying for a career in the field of services to persons who are blind or visually impaired. $2000 (3 students chosen for award)
Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (external link)  The Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC) offers annual scholarships to outstanding post-secondary students with visual impairments, supported by Allyant, anonymous donors, and memorials for Tom Teranishi, Paul and Cheryl Thiele, and John Rae. Amount not listed inquire more by emailing the organization.
Autism Scholar Awards The Scholar Awards Program in Autism, supported by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), aims to attract top scholars registered as full-time master's or doctoral students at an Ontario university. The program focuses on advancing child autism research to international standards, generating new knowledge, and enhancing health outcomes, services, and diagnostic capabilities. One (1) Master's award—​$18,000

Up to two (2) Doctoral awards—$20,000
Bank of Canada Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities (external link)  The Bank of Canada created a scholarship for post-secondary students to help remove barriers to education and support greater diversity in our workforce for people with disabilities, Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+, Francophone, and anyone part of a visible minority group.
Bruce D. Curtis We Care Scholarship (external link)  The Bruce D. Curtis Scholarship, funded by We Care, is awarded to former We Care Ambassadors who have assisted in sending children with disabilities to Easter Seals summer camp and are now pursuing post-secondary education or trade training. The scholarship aims to support their academic and professional development $1000 for up to 4 years ($4000 total)
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program (external link)  The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program supports students with hearing impairments in post-secondary education. Funded by donors including Doreen Laszlo, the Estate of Helen Allen Stacey, and CHHA Networks, the program awards six scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $2,000, totaling $7,500, in fields like Early Childhood Education, Medicine, and Journalism.
Canadian Hearing Services: National Scholarship Program for Deaf and hard of hearing students (external link)  The scholarships are available to Canadian residents who are at least 17 years of age and Deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing. Scholarships of $3,000 for full-time students and $1,000 for part-time students may be applied to cover tuition, residence, accessibility, and any other education-related resources. $1000 to $3000
 (external link) Carol Shantz Bursary Award (external link)  The Carol Shantz Bursary Award, created in 2001 by KidsAbility Foundation, annually supports outstanding individuals—current clients or alumni—pursuing post-secondary education. Named after retired educator Carol Shantz, it has aided over 20 recipients in achieving their educational aspirations. $1,000
Carrell Hearn Memorial Scholarship (external link)  The CHHA-North Shore scholarship is in memory of Carrell Hearn, a West Vancouver resident and dedicated member who passed away in 2014 at age 105. She was a generous supporter of CHHA-North Shore and other local charities. For over 20 years, the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program has assisted students with hearing loss in pursuing post-secondary education and achieving their academic objectives $1,000
 (external link) CMT International Sophie Abarbanel Educational Assistance Award (external link)  The CMT International Sophie Abarbanel Educational Assistance Award of $1,000 or more is given to one or divided between several persons having Charcot-Marie- Tooth disease who wish(es) to attend an institution of higher learning for an undergraduate or graduate level post-secondary education. $1,000
CNIB Scholarships (external link)  Awarded to students who are blind or partially sighted and who demonstrate amazing courage, determination and passion in fighting for their independence and future. $3,000
Crohn's and Colitis (external link)  Crohn’s and Colitis Canada awards ten one-time scholarships of $5,000 to students of any age, living with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis who are enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary educational institute. $5000 scholarship awarded to 15 students
Student Bursary Awards by the Developmental Services of Leeds and Grenville (external link)  Students beginning post-secondary education who reside in Leeds and Grenville and are registered in the first year of a program related to the field of developmental disabilities are invited to apply for one of the following student bursaries. 2,000$
Easter Seals Ontario (ESO) Post-Secondary Scholarship Applications (external link)  The ESO Scholarship Program has provided over 290 scholarships to students with physical disabilities entering post-secondary, totalling over $600,000.  
 (external link) Eshal and Amani Scholarship For Persons with Disabilities (external link)  This scholarship embodies Islamic values of social justice and inclusivity by recognizing the responsibility of society to address inequities. Focused on fostering education, it aims to support individuals with disabilities, promoting a psychologically and socially stable community in line with the principles of Islamic philosophy. $3,000
F.J.L. Woodcock/Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded Scholarship Foundation (external link)  In 1989, the Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded established a foundation for perpetual scholarships, sustained by generous support from various groups, ensuring ongoing empowerment of visually impaired students. $400
Frank Algar Memorial Scholarship (external link)  Created in 2004 by the Algar family in memory of their father who was one of the founding members of CHHA. He provided outstanding service for many years and received numerous awards for his advocacy for the hard of hearing and people with disabilities. For 20 years, the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program has been helping students with hearing loss attend post-secondary schooling and meet their educational goals.
Google Lime Scholarship (external link)  Designed for students with disabilities in the U.S. or Canada pursuing a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree. $5000 USD for Canadian Students
Helen Allen Stacey Scholarship — Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (external link)  This award was created in 2022 in memory of Helen Allen Stacey. For 20 years, the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program has been helping students with hearing loss attend post-secondary schooling and meet their educational goals.
 (external link) Justin Eves Foundation (external link)  The primary goal of the Justin Eves Foundation is to assist disadvantaged learning-disabled students with their post-secondary education. Value of up to $5000
Kay Sansom Scholarship (external link)  Three awards of $1,000 each and a one-year membership in OADD are available to Ontario students with interests in developmental disabilities.
$1000 for each group up to $3000
 (external link) Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship (external link)  The Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship is presented to a post-secondary student with a disability. $3,000
Michael Kamin Hart Scholarship (external link)  The $1,000 Michael Kamin Hart Scholarship supports Ontario college or university students aged 18 to 39 who have or have had cancer. It funds post-secondary academic pursuits, considering personal achievements. Eligible are full- or part-time students in any year, provided they enroll for the upcoming Fall semester. This is a one-time award. $1,000
NEADS National Student Awards Program The NEADS National Student Awards Program provides scholarships to full-time postsecondary students with permanent disabilities. These awards, intended to offset tuition costs, are paid directly to the educational institutions. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding achievement and meet the program's criteria
Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Scholarships (external link)  The OFCP Assistive Devices Funding Program enables Individual Members of the OFCP who have cerebal palesey to access life-changing assistive devices and equipment. $2,000
Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award (external link)  The Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award honours Sabrina Shannon, a teenager whose death from anaphylaxis in 2003 inspired Sabrina's Law in Ontario. This landmark legislation has influenced allergy policies across Canada and the United States. The award is supported by an educational grant from TD Securities.

Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship (external link)  The Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship promotes the resilience of students with mental illnesses pursuing higher education, a cause Sarah Gaulin passionately supported. Eligibility requires a clinical diagnosis of a mental health condition and active engagement in a treatment plan. $1000 per scholarship
Schizophrenia Society of Ontario Scholarships — Institute Advancements For Mental Health (external link)  Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Canada's unique scholarship program has awarded $250,000 to support over 100 individuals with psychosis pursuing education at accredited institutions. This initiative offers numerous scholarships for a variety of educational and vocational pursuits, aiding successful workforce reintegration. $1000- $5000
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Canada Bursary (external link)  To encourage and support students with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus by assisting them in pursuing higher education at university or other post-secondary studies. Up to $1000
Susan Brown Memorial Scholarship (external link)  Susan Brown Memorial Scholarship is offered to students who are hard of hearing, late – deafened and oral deaf. Students must be entering their first year, full time program in any area of study, at a Canadian college or university, with the end goal of obtaining a diploma, certificate or degree. $2,000
Tamara Gordon Foundation Scholarship (external link)  The Tamara Gordon Foundation Scholarship is available to students with physical disabilities studying at an Ontario university or college. $750 to $3,000
TD Graduate Scholarship for Student with Disabilities TD Bank has funded scholarships for graduate students with disabilities at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute since 2005, offering up to $20,000 through KITE. These scholarships, along with additional supplements, help cover the cost of adaptive aids and disability-related educational expenses. Up to $20,000
The Betty Towler Bursary — CNIB (external link)  Honour of Barney Danson, partially sighted veteran, MP, cabinet minister, consul general, businessperson and philanthropist, this scholarship honours students who have proven their dedication to success through academic, personal and charitable endeavours in spite of sight loss. Apply through CNIB website. $1,000
Doreen Kronick Scholarship (external link)  The Doreen Kronick Scholarship is still available to post-secondary students with learning disabilities who are enrolled in full-time or part-time study programs. $1,000
Dr. Charles A. Laszio Scholarship (external link)  Dr. Charles A. Laszlo Scholarship requires applicants to be second year or higher in a study area of science and technology. In addition, applicants must also display an interest in supporting activities to improve the lives of those who have hearing loss. $1,000
Joyce Family Foundation Bursary (external link)  The Joyce Family Foundation offers scholarships to Canadian undergraduates who are blind or partially sighted. Eligible candidates demonstrate academic excellence, financial need, resilience, and a commitment to mentorship.
$6000- $8000
Osler Epilepsy Scholarship Open to students with a diagnosis of epilepsy. $1,500
Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship (external link)  The Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship encourages and supports theoretical and practical research and studies at the doctoral level in the field of vision loss in Canada. The fellowship is awarded for research in the social sciences or other fields of study that are relevant to those experiencing of vision loss.
Young Adult Network Scholarships (external link)  These scholarships are directed to students who want to continue their education. For 20 years, the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Scholarship Program has been helping students with hearing loss attend post-secondary schooling and meeting their educational goals.