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Exams: Preparing for your online final exams

Preparing for your online final exams in D2L Brightspace

Review TMU's official exam resources.

Need help during an online exam?

During Fall and Winter terms, if technical issues arise during a final exam delivered in D2L Brightspace, students, instructors, and TAs can access the "D2L Brightspace Exam Help Form" for technical support via under the "General IT Help" section.

Prepare for your online exam

We recommend trying a sample exam using the same device and internet connection you anticipate using for your final exam—this may give you the best chance of working out any issues in advance.

Note: We strongly recommend using Chrome or Firefox to complete your assessments. Please see the Prepare your device section below to learn more. 

Your instructor will advise the class on which tools and technologies will be used in your exam, so you can prepare.

Here are some of the possible options:

  • Brightspace quizzes
  • Brightspace assignments
  • Respondus LockDown Browser + Monitor (in conjunction with Brightspace quizzes)
  • Akindi Online

While most exams use the Brightspace Quiz tool, some exams may also use the Brightspace Assignments tool.

Once you know which technology will be used, you can prepare yourself and your equipment (computer, web browser and internet connection) to take an online exam.

Please review the resources for these tools for more details.

We recommend trying a sample exam using the same device and internet connection you anticipate using for your final exam—this may give you the best chance of working out any issues in advance.

You may also wish to enroll in the "Brightspace sample course" and try some sample quizzes. Choose an assessment type that matches the tools and technologies that will be used in your exam. 

If your exam is scheduled to take place through Respondus Lockdown Browser, your instructor should provide a sample quiz within the course shell.

Before your exam, it is best practice to ensure your device is as well prepared as possible to reduce the chances of issues during your exam. 

Ensure your browser is up to date and supported. It is important to keep your web browser up-to-date for both security and performance reasons. For optimal experience, we recommend using the latest or most recent browser versions, ideally Chrome or Firefox.

Clear your cache. Sometimes websites store information in your browser's cache (pronounced like cash) and cookies. Clearing your cache forces your browser to retrieve the newest copy available from the website. Sometimes this helps with certain problems, like loading, formatting or login issues on sites.

Check your system. Perform a D2L System check to ensure that your browser is properly configured to use the system.

Consider a wired internet connection. Wifi can sometimes be inconsistent; if possible, during an exam connect to your network through a wired connection (especially if using Respondus Lockdown Browser + Monitor). 

Assistance during an online exam

Contacting your Instructor

For most issues, your instructor should be your first point of contact. For example, if you have questions about the exam schedule, content/format, or if you can't see the exam to access it.

Please ensure you contact your instructor using the method of contact that they have specified. This is usually email, but some instructors may run a Zoom meeting during the exam so that students can easily contact the instructor and TAs for help. 

Getting Technical Help

If technical issues arise during an exam delivered in D2L Brightspace, please try to enter the exam again, as quickly as possible. If there is time remaining, you may be able to re-enter, and continue where you left off. 

If you are still experiencing problems, make a note of any error messages, what you clicked on, etc. You can access support via under the "General IT Help" section, or communicate with your instructor directly. 

Please note that the Help Desk is for technical issues only.