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Sociology Professional Table II

Professional Table II

A total of six (6) Table II courses is required to graduate.

A maximum of two (2) courses, marked with a dagger (†), can be used toward Table II requirements.  

DST 501 Rethinking Disability
SOC 300** Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 302 The City and Society
SOC 319 Sociological Perspectives on Crime
SOC 402 The City and Social Problems
SOC 420** Social Class in Changing Times
SOC 427*** Indigenous Perspectives on Canada
SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
SOC 476 Sociology of Fear
SOC 477 Sociology of Advertising
SOC 478 Sociology of Fun
SOC 479 Social Networks and the World Wide Web
SOC 491* Independent Sociological Analysis
SOC 500 Youth and Society
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 503 Sociology of Education
SOC 504 Children and Society
SOC 505 Sociology of Sport
SOC 506 Health and Society
SOC 530 Blackness and Freedom
SOC 540 Special Topics in Indigenous Studies
SOC 595 Women and Aging
SOC 600 Globalization and Health
SOC 603 Sociology of Gender
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 608** Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 611 Future Worlds: Technology and Social Change
SOC 633 Sex, Gender Identities and Sexualities
SOC 700 Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century
SOC 702 Anatomy of Human Conflict
SOC 703 Women, Power and the Global South
SOC 704 Aging, Culture and Society
SOC 705 Law and Justice
SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
SOC 707 Religion, Meaning and Power
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
SOC 801 Global Power Relations
SOC 802 Issues in War and Peace
SOC 803 International Community Engagement
SOC 808 Sociology of Food and Eating
SOC 885 Women in Islam
SOC 902 Hollywood and Society
SOC 903 Action Cinema and Modernity
SOC 904 Women in Popular Culture
SOC 931 Waste and Consumerism
SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry
SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
SOC 942 Women and Structural Change
SOC 943 Poverty Issues

* Departmental approval required.

** If not previously selected.

*** Not available as a Professional Table II choice for students admitted Fall 2017 and after.