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Brief definitions of some of the specialized or uncommon expressions and words found in this calendar.

Term Definition
Academic Advisement Report An unofficial degree audit. Available on MyServiceHub to most undergraduate students.
Academic Standing Statement of a student's overall academic performance at Toronto Met; used to decide a student's eligibility for continuance, academic distinction, promotion, graduation, and the like. There are eight Academic Standings at Toronto Met: Clear, Probationary, Standing Variation Withdrawal, Required to Withdraw, Permanent Program Withdrawal, Disciplinary Withdrawal, Disciplinary Suspension, and Expulsion. See Academic Standing Variation below.
Academic Standing Variation Additional program academic standards used to determine the Academic Standing for specific programs.
Accreditation Review at the provincial, Canadian or international levels by professional bodies of some university programs. For example, program accreditation is granted in fields such as business, nursing, interior design, architecture and engineering.
Advanced Standing An Offer of Admission condition that recognizes the completion of similar post-secondary courses or programs by granting admission into a level higher than first semester. Also see Degree Completion and Direct Entry.
Aegrotat Grade Credit granted by a Dean, in consultation with the instructor, only under exceptional circumstances when there has been acceptable performance in a course and some course work remains to be completed. From Latin, meaning "he/she is ill". Noted as "AEG" on the transcript.
Antirequisite Courses that contain similar content and therefore cannot both be used towards fulfilling degree requirements. An antirequisite to a course contains significant overlap in content with that course. If a student has already completed a course's antirequisite, they will be blocked from enrolling in that course. They cannot use both a course and its antirequisite to fulfill degree requirements. Antirequisite courses are not necessarily equivalent to one another.
Articulation Agreement Official agreement, between two or more post-secondary institutions, which enables students to transfer to Toronto Met with advanced standing to complete degrees.
Audit (a class) A student who is auditing a course is given special permission to attend lectures and learn the subject, but does not get academic credit. From Latin, audire "hear" or "listen".
Basis of Admission Academic requirements used to grant an Offer of Admission or Advanced Standing for a Toronto Met program.
Billing Units The measure used to calculate undergraduate tuition fees.
Challenge Credit Credit for learning and experience outside of the traditional post-secondary environment, normally achieved through a successful challenge examination.
Class Refers to the meeting place and time during which a course is taught. "ACC 100 is a required course in my program. My class is on Tuesdays." Generally, a class is associated with a time and place, while a course refers to what is being taught. Sometimes course and class are used interchangeably, as in, "I need to drop this course/class before the deadline."
Collaborative Program An academic program offered jointly by Toronto Met and another post-secondary institution.
Concentration A concentration is a Senate-approved, optional curricular element that provides students the opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge representing a sub-specialization or emphasis within the core of a degree program or major. Courses for a Concentration are a subset of the core elective courses offered to students within their degree program or major.
Convocation The graduation ceremony where degree, certificates and diplomas are officially conferred upon eligible candidates. See Graduation.
Co-operative Education A program that alternates periods of academic study with periods of paid work experience relevant to a student’s program of study.
Core Courses Courses that comprise an essential knowledge base for a career or further study. In many programs these are labelled as Required courses or Core Elective courses.
Co-requisite A course that must be taken concurrently with, or successfully completed prior to, another course.
Course Series of lectures, lessons, labs, etc. in an academic subject area which has been approved for inclusion in one or more programs. A Toronto Met course has a unique course code, title and description. Course descriptions include number of hours, GPA weight, billing units, and requisites. See Course Outline.
Course Count Normally, a  a numeric value assigned to each individual course, based on its course hours, and reflecting its value relative to the 40 courses normally making up a program. For example, a one-term degree level course will normally have a course count of one, that is, “counts as one course”. A two-term course has a course count of two, that is, “counts as two courses”. Exceptions to the standard course counts are noted in the calendar. Course counts are used in the Academic Advisement Report to determine progress to program completion.  
Course Credit Toronto Met does not assess degree progress in terms of 'credit'. See "Course Count" and "Earned Value".
Course Hours The weekly course contact hours associated with a given course may include lecture, seminar, studio and laboratory hours and such activities as unsupervised studio and laboratory work, internship and independent study.
Course Intention The first step in the enrolment process where students pre-select the courses they wish to take in the upcoming academic year.
Course Numbers

All current Toronto Met undergraduate courses are identified by a unique alpha-numeric code. The first three letters identify the subject area. The digits indicate whether the courses is a one- or two-term course; three digits signifies a one-term course and two digits plus the "A/B" qualifier signifies a two-term course. The digits do not necessarily indicate course level or rigour. Courses offered only at TMU’s Cairo campus have an “E”-suffix on the course number.

Course Outline Also called course syllabus; a detailed summary of course content and requirements which is distributed by the instructor at the beginning of the term in accordance with the Course Management Policy.
Course Substitution/Directive/Exception

The assessment and approval of a curriculum exception where a course not included in a program’s officially approved curriculum is used as a replacement for another course or is used to fulfil the requirements of an elective group. Requires written approval by faculty and the Registrar’s Office.

Course Weight See GPA Weight
Credit Course A course for which a grade is assigned and which can be used to fulfil a requirement of a certificate, diploma or degree.
Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) /
Grade Point Average (GPA)
An average calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance; a criterion for graduation requirements, for academic distinction, for scholarships and awards, and for determining Academic Standing; calculated as the sum of the products of GPA weights and earned grade points, divided by the sum of the GPA weights, and rounded up to the next higher second decimal place. See Senate Policy 170(a) Undergraduate Course Grading, Academic Program Standing, and Eligibility to Graduate.
Curriculum The prescribed plan of study, approved by Toronto Metropolitan University Senate, leading to a certificate, diploma or degree. The courses that must be successfully completed for the fulfillment of a degree
Deferred Grade An interim grade assigned during the investigation of academic misconduct (as described under the Senate Policy 60 Academic Integrity. The deferred grade will be replaced by an official course grade upon resolution of the matter.
Degree Completion Program An undergraduate program in which students are admitted to a specially designed, discrete program, based on the completion of a public (often Ontario) college diploma program. Other admission criteria may be required.
Degree program The complete set and sequence of courses, combination of courses and/or other units of study, research and practice prescribed by the University for the fulfilment of a degree. Degrees are granted for meeting the established requirements at a specified standard of performance consistent with the university’s Degree Level Expectations.
Degree Level Expectations The knowledge and skill outcome competencies that reflect progressive levels of intellectual and creative development. Degree level expectations are established by the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV) and are expressed in Senate Policy 110 Institutional Quality Assurance Process.
Direct Entry A post-secondary degree pathway based on the completion of a public (often Ontario) college diploma program. Other admissions criteria may be required. Entry is into Year 3 of a four-year program. In some cases, reach-back courses may be assigned.
Double Major/Plan Offered only in the Bachelor of Arts degree. A discrete, Senate approved program with a curricular focus in two areas, offering both breadth and depth within the areas of study.
Faculty/faculty When capitalized, an academic unit consisting of teaching departments/schools and established by Senate and the Board of Governors. The head of a Faculty is the Dean. Non-capitalized, the term ‘faculty,’ for the purpose of this policy, refers to the academic teaching staff of the University.
Failure for Non-Attendance (FNA) A failing grade awarded by an instructor when the student has been absent from most course meetings and has submitted no work for grading.
GPA Weight A numerical coefficient (multiplier) used to express a course’s relative importance in the calculation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average. Single-term courses normally have a GPA weight of 1.00. Multi-term courses normally have a GPA weight of 2.00. GPA Weight variances appear in the individual course descriptions. See Policy 170(a) Undergraduate Course Grading, Academic Program Standing, and Eligibility to Graduate.
Graduation The successful completion of a Senate approved course of studies, which culminates in the recognition and the awarding of the graduation credential. Students are required to apply to graduate; it is not an automatic process. The ceremony where degrees and certificates are conferred is called Convocation.
Graduation Variation In addition to the standard graduation requirements that are applicable to all undergraduate programs, some programs stipulate additional requirements such as minimum  grades or GPAs in specific core courses, modified time spans or placement/internship requirements.
Graduation with Distinction A distinction recorded on a graduating student’s transcript and graduation award document when an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher is achieved in an undergraduate degree program.
Internship Opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical context; a workplace experience, integral to the degree, in the student's field of study.
Letter of Permission An official approval allowing Toronto Met students to take courses at another institution for credit toward their Toronto Met degree. A formal request must be submitted by the student prior to taking the courses at the other institution. The Letter of Permission is issued only after approval by both faculty and the Office of the Registrar.
Liberal Studies Degree level courses from disciplines outside students’ core area(s) of study that develop the capacity to understand and appraise the social and cultural context in which the graduate will work as a professional and live as an educated citizen. Liberal Studies course descriptions include an indicator, LL—Lower Level, UL—Upper Level.  If a course is not identified with either "LL" or "UL" in the course description, it is not a Liberal Studies course.
Major/Plan The primary focus of study within a degree program, offering both breadth and depth within a discipline, area of study, or interdisciplinary subject area.
Minor A Senate-approved set of six degree-level courses with coherence based on discipline, theme and/or methodology. A Minor is distinct from the student’s major and is completed on an optional basis in partial fulfilment of the requirements of a degree. Minors require the completion of a specified minor curriculum, and are noted on a student's Official Transcript only. See Senate Policy 2 Undergraduate Curriculum Structure.
Non-credit course A course which cannot be used to fulfill any requirements of a certificate, diploma or degree, taken for interest purposes only. A grade may or may not be assigned.
Offer of Admission The official letter of acceptance into a Toronto Met program, confirming details such as the program, start term, entry level (first term or advanced standing), Basis of Admission, and other conditions.

An independent, confidential and impartial dispute resolution specialist who investigates and resolves complaints from community members against the university; the word is derived from a Swedish term meaning "citizen’s representative".

Ontario College A Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities approved, publicly-funded Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology or Ontario College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning.
Open Electives A curricular element of an undergraduate degree program which allows students to experience subject matter outside their core area(s) of study(ies), to earn a Minor, and/or to gain greater depth or breadth within their core studies. Students may choose degree-level courses related either to their career paths or their personal interests; however, not all courses can be used to fulfil Open Elective requirements. See Open Electives details in the calendar as well as Policy 2 Undergraduate Curriculum Structure.
Pass-Fail Course A course graded only as pass or fail, and not used in the calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average.
Post-baccalaureate program Requires completion of a bachelor's degree program for admission consideration. Post-baccalaureate programs normally lead to a second bachelor's degree, a certificate or a professional credential.
Practicum Workplace experience offered as part of an academic program under the direct supervision of a faculty member or workplace mentor.
Prerequisite A requirement, usually one or more specific courses that must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in another course.
Program The complete set and sequence of courses, combination of courses, or other units of study, research and practice prescribed by the University for the fulfilment of a baccalaureate degree. Degrees are granted for meeting the established requirements at the specified standard of performance consistent with the University’s Undergraduate Degree Level Expectations (UDLEs).
Program balance The percentage of a program drawn from each of the three categories of degree level courses – core, open elective, and liberal studies – in a program.
Program Department The academic department responsible for the administration of one or more programs.
Reach-back Course A course(s) from Year 1 or Year 2 of a four-year program that may be assigned to a direct entry student.
Semester See term.
Senate The academic policy making body of Toronto Metropolitan University. The Senate consists of elected representatives of the faculty, librarians, students and alumni, and ex-officio members of the administration, including the Chancellor. Senate is chaired by the President.
Specialization An optional Senate-approved set of distinct degree-level courses that students must successfully complete, where at least some courses in the optional specialization are completed in addition to the student’s degree program requirements. All requirements must be completed prior to graduation from the degree program. A Specialization is noted on a student's Official Transcript.
Teaching Department The academic department responsible for the development, teaching and grading of a course.
Term Toronto Met has three Academic Terms in the year: Fall (September - December), Winter (January- April) and Spring/Summer (May- August). See Semester. The normal length of each term is 12 weeks, with the exception of Bachelor of Engineering programs, which have a 13-week term. At the end of a term, students are evaluated and awarded grades upon completion of each course.
Term GPA A term average calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance in a single term. It is calculated as the sum of the products of course weights and earned grade points for graded course performance designations for the term, divided by the sum of the course weights, and rounded to the second decimal place using normal rounding rules.
Time Span The number of years normally given to complete graduation requirements.
Transcript Documentation of a student’s permanent academic record, which includes all courses taken, all grades earned and all academic credentials granted to a student.
Transfer Credit Credit achieved through an acceptable grade in an equivalent course completed at another post-secondary institution (as determined by the Toronto Met course teaching department).