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Career & Co-op

Toronto Met's Career Cycle with four stages: Learn, Target, Maintain & Review.

At the Career and Co-op Centre, we believe that your career journey is best represented as a career “cycle” instead of a career “path.” All of the resources and programs we offer have been created to meet your needs in each phase of the Toronto Met Career Cycle.

We invite you to explore and discover what we have to offer.

This phase of the Career Cycle involves ongoing research and self-reflection about your goals; it encourages you to focus on your values, strengths, and interests to align them with your dream career.

  • How do my personal values guide my career choices?
  • In what workplace contexts do my skills, motivations, personality, strengths, etc. converge?
  • What are career paths or options I can pursue with my degree?

Look at our events calendar and in our D2L resource hub or book an appointment to explore what is on offer for the “Learn” stage.

The targeting phase of the cycle actively prepares you to engage with your career development. By utilizing research and recognizing your own resources, you can advance your professional relationships to establish career opportunities within your network.

  • What are my short term and long term career goals? Which industry/sectors do I want to target?
  • How can I tailor my applications, profiles, pitch, and portfolio to speak to the needs of my industry/organizations of interest?
  • Who else knows I'm looking for work, and how is my support network at this time?

Look at our events calendar and in our D2L resource hub or book an appointment to explore what is on offer for the “Target” stage.

Continuous learning and evaluation of your goals maintains a successful career. This portion includes sustaining your responsibilities while also evaluating your goals to build your career.

  • How do I continue to learn and grow in my career?
  • Am I meeting or exceeding the expectations of my role?
  • How does this work environment support maintenance of good overall health and work-life balance/integration?

Look at our events calendar and in our D2L resource hub or book an appointment to explore what is on offer for the “Maintain” stage.

The reviewing phase of the Career Cycle is essential in order to evaluate current realities. Reviewing allows for preparation of advancement, changes, or transitions in your career paths.

  • Have my values, interests, motivations, attitudes, personality, etc. changed?
  • How have my circumstances changed, and how does that impact my career direction?
  • Am I still engaged in my role? If not, why am I not engaged?
  • If I’m making a transition, how do my previous experiences and skills translate to a new industry?

Look at our events calendar and in our D2L resource hub or book an appointment to explore what is on offer for the “Review” stage.

Join a new kind of co-op program that prepares you for your career after graduation.

Access our award-winning career resource publications & D2L resource hub.

Explore job search resources and websites for on- and off-campus employment.

Build relationships with employers across a wide range of sectors and industries.

Look at our calendar of workshops and events where you can learn skills and meet employers.

Get advice for your career journey through our resource hub and appointments with staff.

Book a free appointment with one of our highly trained and experienced staff.

Access our career resources, programming, and staff and give back to the Toronto Met community.

three people sitting around a table talking

Career Blog

Access job tips, student anecdotes, and professional advice by career specialists in a dynamic blog format.