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GPA Calculation

A cumulative grade point average (GPA) is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance in a program and is used as a criterion for graduation requirements, for honours graduation or other academic distinctions, and for determining academic standing during study in a program.

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) uses a 4.33 GPA scale. Please visit the Grade Scales page for more information.

How to Calculate Your GPA

  1. Take the grade points for each grade received at TMU (except for first attempts at courses you have repeated) and multiply each by its course weight
    • For example, a "C" in a course with a weight of 1 is 2.00, a "C" in a course with a weight of 2 is 4.00
    • Please refer to the sample GPA calculation tab on this page for more details
  2. Add the products of the multiplied grade points and weights together
  3. Add together the course weight for each of the courses taken, except for first attempts of courses you have repeated.
  4. Divide the total grade points by the total course weights and that is your grade point average.

Please use the following as an example for how to calculate your CGPA.


Course Weight

My Grade

Grade Points

Grade Points x Weight

Course A





Course B





Course C





Course D





Course E





Course F





Total 7.00 N/A N/A 21.67

To calculate the CGPA for this student:

CGPA = (Total of Grade Points x Weight) ÷ (Total Course Weight)

CGPA = 21.67 ÷ 7.00
CGPA = 3.10

For full details on course performance designations and their definitions, please refer to Transcript Legend: Additional Designations.

Excluded Course Performance Designations

The following course performance designations are not included in calculating the grade point average:

  • AEG
  • AUD
  • CNC
  • CHG
  • CRT
  • CRD
  • CRV
  • DEF
  • EXN
  • INC
  • INP
  • GNR
  • NCR
  • NSC
  • PSD

Failure-Supplementary Grades (F-S)

The designation F-S is included in the grade point average at zero grade points (like an F grade) as an interim failure until a final grade is assigned.

Failed for Non-Attendance (FNA)

The designation FNA is included in the grade point average at zero grade points and counts as a failure when academic standings are assigned.

  • Courses completed prior to formal program admission will not be included in the calculation of cumulative grade point averages.
  • For purposes of calculating grade point averages, courses of one term and two terms in duration will be given weights of 1 and 2 respectively, with provision for variation in this norm under exceptional circumstances.
  • The grade point average is calculated as the sum of the products of course weights and earned grade points, divided by the sum of the course weights, and rounded to the second decimal place.
  • The grade earned for a repeated course is used to replace the previous grade in calculating subsequent grade point averages even if the later grade is lower, however both attempts will be recorded on the transcript. If at least one of the course attempts results in a passing grade, the course will count towards graduation requirements irrespective of the sequence of grades earned. After the first attempt, courses can only be repeated two more times (total maximum of three attempts).
  • An initial academic standing is not calculated until the student has received three or more course grades.
  • The cumulative grade point average is calculated at the end of each academic term for which additional course grades have been recorded on the student's academic record. It is calculated using TMU course grades in the program in which the student is registered.

GPA Adjustments

A GPA Adjustment allows you to request a course or courses to be excluded from your cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for your current program of study. The excluded courses will not be removed from your academic record and transcript. Courses that are excluded or replaced as part of a GPA Adjustment request can no longer be used towards satisfying any graduation requirements including minors and/or concentrations.

Note: A GPA adjustment may or may not improve your overall CGPA, depending on the grade you are replacing and the grade you will obtain in the newer course.

Only the CGPA calculated after the term to which you are applying the adjustment will be considered for adjustment. You must request a GPA adjustment by the deadline, indicated in the chart below, during the term in which you are taking the course.

Academic standings and CGPAs from previous terms will not be considered or adjusted.

Deadline to Submit GPA Adjustment Requests

Fall and Winter Deadlines

Term GPA Adjustment Deadline

Fall 2024

Friday, September 13, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Winter 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Spring/Summer Deadlines

Class Session Timelines GPA Adjustment Deadline
Spring 2025 session courses 
(May - June)

Friday, May 16, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Spring/Summer 2025 session courses 
(May - August)

Friday, May 16, 2025 at 4 p.m.

Summer 2025 session courses
(June - August)

Friday, June 27, 2025 at 4 p.m.

A GPA adjustment may occur under one of the following conditions:

Course Replacement

A course replacement permits you to use a currently-enrolled course to replace, for GPA purposes only, a previously graded Professional, Professionally-Related, Open Elective, Liberal Studies course, or a course within a Required Group. Both courses must belong to the same group or table. For example, you have decided to upgrade a course within an elective table, but you take another course within the same table instead of the original course.

More details are available in the Replacing Courses section of this page.

Note: TMU will not automatically know that the second course is meant to act as an adjustment unless you submit the GPA Adjustment Request Form.

Course Exclusion

A course exclusion permits you to request that a certain course be excluded from your CGPA calculation. For example, if a course is a general-interest course that is not applicable to your program of study; or if the course is an extra course that was taken after having completed your program requirements for that table or group. Use your advisement report available in MyServiceHub to confirm that the course is not applicable or is not being used towards to your program requirements. It is advisable you consult with your program department/school to discuss how this will affect your GPA and academic standing.

Before submitting your form, consult with your department/school if you have questions about the impact of a GPA adjustment on your academic record.

You must request a GPA adjustment by submitting a GPA Adjustment Request Form no later than the published GPA Adjustment deadline for the term in which the GPA Adjustment will apply. Forms received after the published deadline will not be considered.

Please note: If you have an Incomplete (INC) on a course you intended to use as a replacement on your GPA adjustment, your form cannot be processed until the INC is updated with a final grade.

Send an email to once you have received your final grade on MyServiceHub. Be sure to include your TMU Student Number in your email.

After you've submitted your GPA adjustment form, you'll get an automated email confirmation of receipt. During the term, you'll get another email confirming if your request has been approved or denied.

Approved GPA adjustments are applied to your student record after the official grades are posted on MyServiceHub at the end of the term. Processing can take up to 30 days from the official grade release date. For grade release dates, refer to Grades and Standings. You can verify your GPA adjustment by checking your unofficial transcript or your Advisement Report in MyServiceHub.

Contact your program department/school for assistance if you have questions when using your Advisement Report or if you need help to determine if courses are in the same table/group before submitting your GPA Adjustment Request Form.

A GPA adjustment will be denied for any one of the following reasons:

  • It was submitted after the published deadline for GPA adjustments for the term of the currently enrolled course you listed on your form
  • The courses on your Course Replacement request are not part of the same program group/table
  • The courses on your Course Exclusion request are part of your program's requirements
  • You have requested to replace a current course with a course completed prior to the current term
  • You dropped the course(s) you had requested to be considered for GPA adjustment
  • You have requested a GPA adjustment for a Required course
  • You have already graduated

Replacing Courses

Semester to Semester

You can request to replace a course from a past semester (eg. fall 2023) with a course from the current semester (eg. winter 2024). However, this process does not apply the other way around. You cannot replace a course from the current semester with one from a past semester.

You also cannot use a GPA adjustment to replace a course taken in the current semester with another course from the same semester.

Once a course is replaced, it is no longer included in your GPA calculation and cannot be used to satisfy any other graduation requirements. This also means it cannot be used to satisfy requirements for minors and/or concentrations.

Undergraduate Course vs. Certificate Course

You cannot replace a course from your undergraduate career with a course taken in your certificate career. GPA Adjustment Request Forms can only be submitted for courses within the same program/career.

Program to Program

You can only submit a GPA Adjustment Form for courses within the same program. For example, if you have switched programs, you cannot replace a course from a previous undergraduate program with a course you are taking in your current (new) undergraduate program.

Repeating Courses

You do not need a GPA Adjustment Request Form if you are repeating the same course. For example, if you have previously taken PHL110 and are retaking either PHL110 or CPHL110, you will not need a GPA Adjustment Form.

If you are repeating a course, both grades will show on your transcript. However, only the most recent grade will be counted towards your CGPA.

If you earned a passing grade in a course, but then retake and fail the same course, then the failed grade (most recent grade) will count towards your CGPA calculation. If at least one of the course attempts results in a passing grade, the course will count towards graduation requirements irrespective of the sequence of grades earned.

After the first attempt, courses can only be repeated two more times (total maximum of three attempts).

All GPA adjustment attempts are recorded on the academic record and the official transcript.

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