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Undergraduate Courses

Course  Faculty 
Accounting (ACC, AFA) Ted Rogers School of Management
Aerospace (AER) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
American Sign Language (ASL) Faculty of Arts
Anthropology (ANT) Faculty of Arts
Arabic (ARB) Faculty of Arts
Architectural Science (ARC, ASC) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Arts and Contemporary Studies (ACS) Faculty of Arts
Biochemistry (BCH) Faculty of Science
Biology (BLG) Faculty of Science
Biomedical Engineering (BME) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Biomedical Science (BMS) Faculty of Science
Building Science (BSC) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Business (BUS) Ted Rogers School of Management
Business Essentials (BSM) Ted Rogers School of Management
Caribbean Studies (CRB) Faculty of Arts
Chemical Engineering (CHE) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Chemistry (CHY) Faculty of Science
Child and Youth Care (CYC) Faculty of Community Services
Chinese (CHN) Faculty of Arts
Chinese Studies (CHS) Faculty of Arts
Civil Engineering (CVL) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Combined Media (MPC) The Creative School
Common Engineering (CEN) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Communication (CMN) The Creative School
Communication and Design (FCD) The Creative School
Computer Engineering (COE) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Computer Science (CPS) Faculty of Science
Creative Industries (CRI) The Creative School
Creative School Experience (CSE) The Creative School
Criminology (CRM) Faculty of Arts
Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EID) The Creative School 
Disability Studies (DST) Faculty of Community Services
Early Childhood Studies (CLD) Faculty of Community Services
Economics (ECN) Faculty of Arts
Electrical Engineering (EES, ELE) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EIE) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Engineering Management Science (EMS) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
English (ENG) Faculty of Arts
Entrepreneurship and Strategy (ENT) Ted Rogers School of Management
Environmental Health (ENH) Faculty of Community Services
Environment and Urban Sustainability (EUS) Faculty of Arts
Family Studies (FNF) Faculty of Community Services
Fashion - Design Leadership (FDL) The Creative School
Fashion (FFC, FFD, FSN) The Creative School
Fashion - Fashion Studies (FFS) The Creative School
Fashion - Material and Fabrication (FMF)  The Creative School
Film Studies (MPF) The Creative School
Finance (AFF, FIN) Ted Rogers School of Management
Food Security (FNY) Faculty of Community Services
Foundations of Management (FMG) Ted Rogers School of Management
Fundamentals of Community Service (FCS) Faculty of Community Services
French (FRE) Faculty of Arts
French Studies (FRS) Faculty of Arts
Geography (GEO) Faculty of Arts
Gerontology (GER) Faculty of Community Services
Global Management Studies (GMS) Ted Rogers School of Management
Graphic Communication (GCM) The Creative School
Greek (GRK) Faculty of Arts
Haudenosaunee (HAU) Faculty of Arts
Health Information Management (HIM) Ted Rogers School of Management
Health Services Management (HSM) Ted Rogers School of Management
History (HIS, HST) Faculty of Arts
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTA, HTD, HTF, HTH, HTI, HTM, HTR, HTT) Ted Rogers School of Management
Human Resources (MHR) Ted Rogers School of Management
Industrial Engineering (IND) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Information Technology Management (ITM) Ted Rogers School of Management
Interactive Media Arts (MPI) The Creative School
Interdisciplinary Studies (INT) Faculty of Arts / Faculty of Community Services
Interior Design (IDE, IDF, IRC, IRD, IRH, IRL, IRN, IRP, IRT) The Creative School
Journalism (JRN, NNS) The Creative School
Language and Intercultural Relations (LIR) Faculty of Arts
Language (LNG) Faculty of Arts
Latin (LAT) Faculty of Arts
Law (LAW) Ted Rogers School of Management
Marketing (MKT) Ted Rogers School of Management
Mathematics (MTH) Faculty of Science
Mechanical Engineering (MEC, MTL) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Mechatronics (MTE) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Media (RTA) The Creative School
Media Studies (FPN, NPF) The Creative School
Midwifery (MWF) Faculty of Community Services
Mohawk (MHK) Faculty of Arts
Music (MUS) Faculty of Arts
Nonprofit (INP) Faculty of Arts
Nursing (NCL, NSE, NUC, NUR) Faculty of Community Services
Nutrition and Food (FND, FNN, FNP, FNR, FNS, FNU) Faculty of Community Services
Occupational Health (OHS) Faculty of Community Services
Pathotherapeutics (PAT) Faculty of Community Services
Philosophy (PHL) Faculty of Arts
Photography (MPS) The Creative School
Physics (PCS) Faculty of Science
Physiology (PLN) Faculty of Science
Planning (PLE, PLG, PLX) Faculty of Community Services
Politics and Public Administration (POG, POL, PPA) Faculty of Arts
Professional Practice - Nursing (PPN) Faculty of Community Services
Project Management (PMT) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Professional Music (BPM) The Creative School
Psychology (PSY) Faculty of Arts
Public Health (PUB) Faculty of Community Services
Public Health and Occupational Health (POH) Faculty of Community Services
Quantitative Methods (QMS) Ted Rogers School of Management
Real Estate Management (REM) Ted Rogers School of Management
Religious Studies (REL) Faculty of Arts
Retail Management (RMG) Ted Rogers School of Management
Science (SCI) Faculty of Science
Semiotics (SEM) Faculty of Arts
Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Faculty of Arts
Social Work (SWP) Faculty of Community Services
Sociology (SOC) Faculty of Arts
Spanish (SPN) Faculty of Arts
Spanish Studies (SPS) Faculty of Arts
Technology Studies (TEC) Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Theatre (THA, THD, THF, THG, THL, THM, THP, THT) The Creative School 
Work Term (WKT) All Faculties
Writing Skills (CAF) Faculty of Arts
Zone (ZON) The Creative School

Please refer to the glossary for the definitions of various types of requisites.