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Student Wellbeing encompasses a variety of health, well-being and academic services to support members of the TMU community.

This year, in consultation and collaboration with students, faculty and staff, we have recommitted to our vision and mission, and outlined our strategic priorities that will guide our work moving forward.

Explore the growth, achievements and community impact of the Student Wellbeing teams during the 2023-24 academic year.

Message from the Executive Director

Allan MacDonald, Executive Director, Student Wellbeing

I am proud to celebrate our successes across the Student Wellbeing team over the 2023-24 academic year through the publication of our inaugural impact report. 

We continue to see the impact of the pandemic on our community, not only on an individual’s health and well-being, but also their access to health and well-being services, including affordable food and housing, inclusive education, stable employment, friendships and many other non-medical related factors.  

For this reason we continue to shift our work towards a multi-dimensional approach to fostering health and well-being across TMU and our respective communities. We continue to offer inclusive well-being and accessibility services for students in need, with a focus on enabling streamlined access and fostering excellent student experiences. We are also focused on looking upstream with our partners across campus and the downtown east Toronto neighbourhood to collectively stem the flow of community-level factors contributing to diminished well-being.  

The remarkable accomplishments outlined in this report have made positive contributions to the student experience, and to student well-being overall. I would like to express my profound gratitude to our dedicated and devoted Student Wellbeing team for all of their tremendous work on behalf of our community. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the people we serve.

This is difficult work. Together with our students, TMU partners and collaborators across Ontario, we will continue to forge system-level solutions to challenging barriers to health and well-being. We will also strive to provide high quality, integrated and student-informed well-being and accessibility related experiences that enable students to reach their full potential, inside and outside the classroom.

Allan MacDonald, Executive Director, Student Wellbeing 

Who We Are

Our Vision

Cultivating whole health and well-being within Toronto Metropolitan University and our local communities.

Our Mission

We foster TMU student and community well-being through high quality health and accessibility services, health and education system leadership and authentic partnerships and collaboration.

Strategic Priorities

Equitable and inclusive access to care and education Collaborate with community partners inside and outside of TMU to ensure we live up to our commitment to an approach steeped in health equity, accessibility, and inclusion, that honours our students’ voice and lived experience.
Co-create an integrated student health and well-being experience Balance integrated upstream and downstream support services and community engagement strategies as we enable student and community well-being across campus and in our local communities.
Connect health and well-being to learning Inextricably align health and well-being supports, services and programming to learning processes and outcomes, student development, and academic success.
Drive health and education system innovation in partnership with our students Lead and support system level innovation to better meet the needs of our students and local communities, as we partner with the downtown east Toronto neighbourhood, Brampton, and beyond to enable better access to effective health and wellbeing care and inclusive educational experiences for post secondary students.

Student Wellbeing Health Equity Commitment Statement

  • We are committed to understanding that students are experts in their own experiences, and to working collaboratively with them, the TMU community, our neighbours in downtown Toronto and our partners in other communities to cultivate wellbeing.  
  • We are actively committed to acknowledging and reducing health disparities, and to co-creating structures and practices with our students and community members that recognize and address health inequities.
  • We are devoted to adopting a comprehensive, trauma-informed and systemic approach to care that considers the whole person, and that is rooted in accessibility and an understanding of the social determinants of health.
  • We are committed to taking responsibility for making positive change in the lives of students and the community, and will take direct and ongoing action to address ableism, attitudinal barriers, anti-Asian racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-2SLGBTQIA+ discrimination, and other forms of racism and oppression. 
  • We are committed to learning, unlearning and supporting one another as members of Student Wellbeing as we embrace bringing about positive change in the lives of students and the community through our work.

Community Impacts

Student Wellbeing consists of three areas: Academic Accommodation Support, Student Integrated Health and Wellbeing and Community Wellbeing. These teams offer events, programming and resources to support the health, well-being and academic success of students, faculty and staff. See the impact they’ve made this year on the TMU community.

Provides resources, training and services to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access and participate in higher education.

Offers health services to the TMU community through the Centre for Student Development and Counselling, Health Promotion Programs and the Medical Centre.

Provides community-led solutions to campus-wide issues surrounding well-being that allow for meaningful impact for all members of the TMU community.